Created to Praise

Just me being me the way He made me

So Very Cool February 4, 2008

Filed under: Personal Life — 6kids1me @ 10:47 pm

Today was FANTASTIC!  Rodney was off work and we spent the entire day doing next to nothing.  We just kinda hung out together.  He hung some pictures for me, I cleaned house.  He went fishing across the street, I listened to music.  The kids crawled all over both of us and it was great!  How cool to have a day to do nothing together.

I know that probably seems silly to most people, but to us it’s huge.  Rodney has worked out of town for so long that we don’t know what it’s like to spend time together anymore.  It’s been really nice remembering why I liked him in the first place.  🙂

A friend of mine that I haven’t talked to in a few months called me tonight.  I was so excited to hear from her, but the tone of her voice immediately sobered me.  Something was wrong.  She said, “Becky, I need you.”  That will strike fear into the heart of any friend.  Her baby had a seizure and she needed somebody to take her toddler so she could go to the hospital with the baby.  When I got there, the ambulances were about to leave.  Her precious toddler was inside being loved on by strangers (God bless them!) and the police were close-by waiting for me.  They were staying with him until I arrived.  He was doing fine and was happy to see me.  I’m glad he was happy to see me since that made taking him to my house a much easier process.  🙂  My friend called from the hospital.  The baby is doing good and they’re both exhausted.  Just waiting for some test results to come back.  Her toddler is here and having a blast with my kids.

You know, friendship is a funny thing.  You can go months without seeing each other or even talking, but the minute you need someone, you know just who to call.  I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are certain people who will come running if I say I need help.  I hope those same people know the same about me.  Even if we haven’t spoken in months, or if we spoke just yesterday, they are precious to me and forever tied to my heart.  Thank God for the gift of friendship!


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