Created to Praise

Just me being me the way He made me

Woohoo! Tax Time! February 7, 2008

Filed under: Personal Life,Random Stuff — 6kids1me @ 10:42 am

It’s the one time of the year when it literally PAYS to have a house full of kids.  All year long, they $5 and $10 dollar us to pieces, but come tax time….PAYBACK!  I love the child tax credit.  Love it!  I’m on my way to pick up our refund and am so excited I can barely stand myself.  This means I get to replace the furniture that, quite frankly between the kids and the dog, has seen better days.  Woohoo!  And now maybe Rodney can get that PS3 he’s been drooling over.

AND today is Stephen’s birthday.  Big 16!  I can hardly believe it.  I know I sound like a little old lady when I say this, but it really does seem like just yesterday that he was a toddler.  Now he’s dating, doing his own thing, almost a man.  I’m so happy for him, but still kinda sad to see how much he’s grown.  I miss my baby.  We’ll take him out to dinner tonight and then he’ll have a party this weekend.  Gosh.  16.  How did that happen?